Why do people judge a book by its cover?
These questions kept revolving in my mind day and night, kept following me everywhere like my shadow – bombarding, suffocating and draining me! I wanted to run away to a far off place, far away from all the noise and chaos. I wanted to get lost in a land of unknown faces just like a tiny drop of water in a large ocean. I wanted to be able topause my life to get some fresh air…
People are busy giving tag lines for everybody around.
They keep interfering in others lives more than living their own. I sometimes think that they feel life is like the soap operas that they watch, where they are the directors and can decide and determine how the characters around them must be and mustlive. They believe it is their right and duty in life to set rules for others of what to do and what not to do like a holy bible. Whereas I strongly believe in the concept of live and let live. I wanted to choose my life be it good or bad, I wanted to create my own identity come what may, and I wanted to learn, grow and evolve purely as whom I love to be.
As time went by, I grew tired and weak of running the rat race, of being who I wasn’t, of living my life for others. When I was losing myself in the wilderness of the concrete jungle a quote that I came across brought me back to life with an AHA moment of realisation – “All it takes is one idea on how to change the way you see the world to change your world”.
I realised that there is no point in expecting people to understand me and be there for me.
I realised that there is no use in wasting my time and energy on explaining myself to others.
I realised that it is my life and all that matters is my peace and happiness.
The world might not work my way, People might not respect my feelings and accept me for who I am but I do understand that we all are different. I decided there would be no expectations, no explanations, no judgements, no questions and no rules.
I might not be everyone’s cup of tea but I will never cease to keep shining. I decided to take the gravel and the shell and make a pearl. I believe I can make a difference no matter how long it takes. I know it’s going to take a while; I know the more I find myself, the more people I lose, and I’ve got to fight my way through. But when a tiny butterfly is a proof that we can go through a great deal of darkness yet become something beautiful, time can’t restrict or bind me, people can bend me but not break me. I might not know where I am going but I am on my way and this world is like a book and I have an urge to turn every page of it. As Oprah Winfrey said – my journey began with a choice to get up, step out and live fully!