The article “What a Turtle Taught me about Social Media” emphasizes that many people use social media to bully others. The author points out that charging against people just for supporting politicians or a policy decision can be dehumanizing when people are boxed into categories to make them feel inferior.

My experience with social media is what I observe on my daily sky train ride, I see young and middle age commuters engrossed on their cell phones either texting, perusing data or playing games. One of my interviewees said social media’s popularity has presently declined, and the another commented that a CBC News report highlighted that the 

US security is reviewing your data on social media use.

Could it be that social media is producing the opposite effect than the intended one? For example: I see my landlord with the TV on while he texts or searches who knows what on his cell phone, and at the same time has the radio going in the kitchen while he remains oblivious to his surroundings. Also my sister enjoys checking her Facebook account regularly to see the latest pictures or blogs placed by her friends or family.

I conclude that social media has its advantages but it can also be isolating because a person glue to their cell phone can pay more attention to her internet “friends” than to devote some time to converse with their family.