A childhood memory
In my childhood I remember the day I got admission to my new secondary school. I was very excited. My grandfather would drop me there and collect me after school. One day an insect was on my desk in class. It was green in color. I was so little and I felt so scared. Me and my friends slowly moved away from the desk. Everyone in the classroom was now standing in a cluster. Then one of our classmates Amrinder came near to the desk and picked up the insect in his hand. I was so afraid. My feelings then.
I still remember hoping that insect stays safe. Maybe it was also feeling afraid of us. Someone picked it up and it could do nothing. I felt pity for that insect. On the other hand I felt safer thinking now the insect would be taken out of the classroom so we could sit at our desks. The boy who picked it up, I was scared of him too. He made a poor impression on me and I never liked him. This memory is from a long time ago but the impact on my mind of the person and the situation is still the same. I feel good that I finally wrote about this. Now perhaps my mind will be free of this memory.